We are very fortunate to act in London for clients who also own development companies in Mallorca, Spain, America and the Caribbean. We also know that our many of our clients like to have a spread of investments in the UK markets and many also look to acquire properties in international locations, either as pure rental investments or for their own personal and family use.
As we are often able to achieve preferential terms for our investors, the developers of these overseas developments do not want us to openly advertise the discounts and terms available so we do not carry detailed information on these pages.

However, whilst we do not pretend to be experts in the overseas markets, there is no doubt that in some locations prices have fallen significantly and now is a great time to take advantage of some excellent buying opportunities. So, if these locations interest you, please just let us know what you are looking for and we will have a friendly word on your behalf with the developers!
Contact Adam Lewczynski at
adam@londonpropertyinvestments.com or on 00 44 (0) 7775 89 33 82